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Obtaining a root shell on Standalone/Solo Ruckus APs

The Ruckus CLI includes a hidden !v54! command which exits to a root shell.

  • Very old AP firmware checks a configuration setting cli_esc2shell_ok to decide whether the !v54! command is available.
  • Newer AP firmware checks an encrypted serial# to decide whether the !v54! command is available.


If you bought a used Ruckus AP then it is very likely to be running SmartZone or ZoneDirector firmware.

You can try the Firmware 9.8 - 112.0 steps, below, to see if it works. Otherise you'll need to install Solo or Unleashed firmware.

Firmware 3.x, 5.x, 6.x, 9.9 - 9.13, 10.x

Your AP is running SmartZone or ZoneDirector firmware rather than Solo firmware.

You can try the Firmware 9.8 - 112.0 steps, below, to see if they work.

Otherise you'll need to install Solo or Unleashed firmware (see the next section).

Firmware released after November 2019 (e.g. >112.0)

Sorry, I don't have a method to bypass the serial# check on newer Standalone/Solo AP firmwares.

If your AP was released before mid-2019 then you can downgrade to an older Solo firmware.

Alternatively, if your AP has Unleashed firmware available then you can install and use this to obtain a root shell.

For the R730, you can download the ZoneDirector Software Release, extract and install the R730 firmware, then follow the Firmware 9.8 - 112.0 steps, below.

This tool will extract the R730 AP Image from the ZoneDirector Software Image:-

Firmware 9.8 - 112.0 (excl.

These AP firmware versions don't sanitize the encrypted serial#.
So we can use the Ruckus command to inject a root shell.


The injection only needs to be performed once.

SSH to the AP

$ ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -oCiphers=+aes256-cbc

Login. Default username is "super", password is "sp-admin".

Command injection

rkscli: Ruckus

Now type ";/bin/sh;" including the quotes and hit enter (you won't be able to see what you're typing)



Instead of grrrr, another dog noise could be printed to the screen.

Escape to shell

rkscli: !v54!
What's your chow:

Now hit enter

BusyBox v1.15.2 (2015-07-21 22:07:19 PDT) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.


You have a root shell.


If you don't see a BusyBox shell prompt, and instead see just the rkscli: prompt then the injection hasn't worked.
Repeat the command injection step, ensuring you type ";/bin/sh;" including the quotes.

Firmware Pre-9.8

These AP firmware versions don't sanitize the input to the Ping diagnostic tool.
So we can use Ping to enable cli_esc2shell_ok.


The Ping enablement only needs to be performed once.

Connect to the AP's Web UI

Login. Default username is "super", password is "sp-admin".

Enable shell escape

Go to Administration > Diagnostics, paste |rpm${IFS}-p${IFS}cli_esc2shell_ok="t" into the Ping: textbox & hit Run test.

SSH to the AP

$ ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -oCiphers=+aes256-cbc

Login. Default username is "super", password is "sp-admin".

Escape to shell

rkscli: !v54!
What's your chow:

Now hit enter

BusyBox v1.15.2 (2015-07-21 22:07:19 PDT) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.


You have a root shell.


If you don't see a BusyBox shell prompt, and instead see just the rkscli: prompt then the injection hasn't worked.
If your firmware version isn't 9.x then it's very likely your AP is running SmartZone or Cloud firmware rather than Solo firmware.
Read the information in the Firmware 3.x, 5.x, 6.x, 9.9 - 9.13, 10.x section.

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